JibeHealth.com Technology Company offers solution for Affordable Healthcare
Boca Raton, Florida
has announced a new technology platform geared toward helping American enroll
in affordable healthcare and help them find the money to help pay for it.
Health’s platform is built on Linux, Apache MySQL, and PHP (LAMP) for our web
front end (WFE).
This custom platform allow JH to provide the user with a Web 2.0
experience across a variety of devices including tablet and mobile devices.
JH’s middle tier is built on Microsoft.NET using WPF and Microsoft SQL Server
to provide integration with CMS/HHS for quoting, submitting enrollment,
policyholder changes, and disenrollment to Qualified Health Plans (QHP) offered
through the Federally Facilitated Marketplace (FFM).
As a Web Broker Entity JibeHealth.com is one of a handful of
companies that can offer subsidy based plans offered on Healthcare.gov directly
on JibeHealth.com. The integration with Healthcare.gov/CMS/FFM uses SOAP and
X509 communication channels to provide a secure means to communicate with the
Web Services Endpoints.
“The biggest challenge that consumers faced was plain old
confusion. Typically the first thing your asked is your zip code followed by a
bombardment of quotes all based on price not your individual needs, said Shane
McIntyre Chief Engineer and co-founder. “I am also a health insurance consumer
and the complexity of the government’s website and others made it almost
impossible for me to make a decision, let alone the right decision.” Mr.
McIntyre went on to say.
The current data supports Mr. McIntyre’s experience and that of most Americans in general. A recent study from Colombia Business School suggests that “more than 80% of consumers may be unable to make a clear-eyed estimate of their needs and will unknowingly choose a higher cost plan than needed.” The study went on to show that consumers choose the wrong health plan up to 88% of the time based on their known needs, costing them over half a year’s salary for a family of four in unnecessary health expenses. Because the federal government will subsidize many policies, American taxpayers could pay an additional $9 billion for consumer's mistakes in choosing more costly plans. Jibe Health’s platform address this growing concern.
The reality is that the one size fits all approach just doesn’t meet the needs of the approximately 53 Million health care consumers. “What the figures really suggest is that the process is flawed”, said George Theodore Jibe Health’s other founding member and CMO. Jibe matches more than just health plans with consumers. Jibe also presents options typically only found in group plans. Individuals can choose their loves, in other words things they would love their health plan from an ala carte menu. Things like dental coverage, critical illness, a product that pays you if you get sick, accident coverage and even life insurance.
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